I got permission to hunt a cotton field next to a friends farm where an old house had once been. Didn’t find much on this trip but the cotton is already pretty high so we only hunted in the wide rows. We’ll go back after they harvest. I did, however, turn up an ID bracelet with a mans name engraved on it. For those that know me then you know how much I love finding items with names on them. I always seem to get lucky and find things with uncommon names which makes research easier. This one was no different. A quick internet search turned up an obituary that told of his time in the military and how he farmed the area where the bracelet was found. My friends recognized the last name but didn’t know how to contact any of the family. I turned to Facebook with a list of survivors from the obituary and found a daughter. I’ll post a pic she had of her father on his tractor in 1958.
This is probably the fastest research and return I’ve done. The bracelet was ultimately mailed to his widow. She sent back a nice thank you card!
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